animesh kumar

Running water never grows stale. Keep flowing!

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If I were…

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If I were a moment?
It would be a ‘comma’. Something from my past, something from future, connecting both of them, making a present, a presence!

If I were a woman?
It would be Amy Tan. Because all she thinks of is life.

If I were a man?
It would be myself. Some things in life you just don’t want to mess up.

If I were a writer?
It would be myself. Cherishing my abstractness all my life.

If I were a hero?
It would have been Howard Roark. absolute, raw, competent, inculpable, content, devoid of hortatory.

If I were a novel?
It would be The Alchemist. Dreams are all.

If I were a poet?
It would be Ghalib.

If I were a dream?
It would never live.

If I were a comedy?
It would be a satire. Absurd, supercilious, subtle.

If I were a play?
It would be a tragic romance. Lots of villains, single love, multifarious stories, building one upon another, faced off by antagonists all against a presumably sacred love. And lovers fighting their way through precarious ruckus.

If I were a film?
It would be a documentary upon Heroism.

If I were weak?
It would be a lover’s teardrops.

If I were strong?
It would be a lover’s unison.

If I were pain?
It would be a lover’s ache.

If I were free?
I would have been a cloud. Wandering every nook-and-cranny, looking for something, knowing nothing about, carrying small droplets along, at the whim of wind. Selfless yet selfish.

If I were a myth?
It would be ‘love never dies.’

If I were an idea?
It would be ‘man is the supreme most.’

Written by Animesh

April 19, 2006 at 1:59 am

Posted in Diary

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