animesh kumar

Running water never grows stale. Keep flowing!

Posts Tagged ‘You

Like a thunder in a rainy night

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Like a thunder in a rainy night,
Who doesn’t know, what t’show, what’hide.
You seem to be asking every moment,
Baby, you wanna stop, or take’ride.

You never open the door by my side,
Never step out to say, goodbye.
Never see a drop when I cry,
How could it go when you always keep me so dry…

I know I am gonna miss you
And it’s going to hurt…but I am sure to do
I’m gonna teach myself how to fly
And catch a cloud to drift away

O baby don’t pretend,
You wouldn’t die
The pain will pass through…

Pull over here and bid me adieu.

Written by Animesh

October 4, 2008 at 11:35 pm

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Friends are rare,
you are the rarest!

I walk to you,
you walk away.
my life,
Is it real…
or just a sway?

A moment of truce,
and a life-time fierce.

Written by Animesh

March 22, 2006 at 1:38 am

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Since I saw you,
I saw a dream.
In that dream,
I saw you.
And myself

My life is now,
my poem.
My wait is now,
my anthem.
Baritone and omnipresent –
it sings my melancholy,
in the pink of all sections.

Is it that, you are gone?
Or is it, that, you have actually come?
I swagged in and out,
tracing your traces.
I leafed through the tomes,
marking your marks.

All void!

Remain there is a question;
Was it you, or a mere confusion?

Who were you?
Who are you?

A blur,
A metaphor,
Or an illusion?

You are a dream, perhaps!
Yes, you are a dream.
Around me.
In me.
Like a divine scheme.

I call on to you, when
the dark dreads me.
I speak to you, when
the night befalls me.
I sense you,
your voice, and
your smile.
And bleaker goes my hope
against, my heart’s treasons.

The more you are absent,
The more clamant seems
your presence!
Glaring through dark
heeding my reasons!

You are a dream,
My dream,
Dream of all seasons.

Written by Animesh

October 17, 2005 at 12:22 am

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If you were there

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If you were there,
moon might not have that glare.
I could trace you,
your silhouette and your stare
while, you hung on unaware.

If you were there,
eons would have passed
without leaving me
Your silence would be divine
I could revere into
without care.

Torrid thoughts could go stifled,
Florid passion could have settled.

Had your fingers entwined with mine,
I could stop the time
We could have stayed in shrine…
…Together and Forever

If you were there,
I could hold you and said
“how much do I care?”
your eyes could roll
and have agreed
with sprawly kohl.
my love might have concluded.
free from earthly attire,
divine desire.

If you were there,
I could convey it more clear.
You could see my pain,
my anguish, my bane
and my cries.
Then, perhaps
you could decide otherwise.

If only you were there,
these words wouldn’t be needed.
My eyes could talk to yours,
My lips could walk to yours,
my love wouldn’t be secluded.

If only you were aware,
I could live for-ever…

Written by Animesh

July 14, 2005 at 12:13 am

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I think of you

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g1092rgik2I think of you
and close my eyes.

I see your beautiful face
your subtle face…
and the twinkle in your eyes.

The aura of beauty
surrounds me.
The tinge of love
enchants me.

And I keep closed
my eyes.

I talk to you
and the enigma grows!

Your soothing words.
Your pensive silence.
All promises for
bright chores.

There I stay
in your revere
fumbling in my romance
drowning in your substance

And I keep closed
my eyes.

I hear your laughter
and all my pulses, all my beats
go faultier.

Your fingers
entwined together
lead shores
at my veins.

Your lips
curve-ly parted
join my dream
at ends.

I couldn’t stutter a word
and keep closed
my eyes.

the anticipating world
As I see you
going away
from my trance.

my eyes widen.
my dreams tighten.

I couldn’t hold you.
I couldn’t stop you.

There, I think of you
and decide
the fate of mine
standing by your side.

I see mine
confiding in.
I see you

scared of divinity
scared of eternity
I close my eyes.

Those eyes…

never again
they went surmise!

Written by Animesh

June 29, 2005 at 12:05 am

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The Alchemist

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book6 What is a dream? No, don’t go to the Great Sigmund Freud seeking explanation and emblem to it. I am asking about your dream. Your own “personal Myth”. Your share in the soul of the universe. Leave philosophies, shun logics and abandon reasons. And then, dream. What you see is your destiny. Your desire. Something that is preserved for you. Something that awaits you. And here is a fable, full of wisdom and simplicity and symbolisms, to make you believe in the impossible that you had once dreamed of but couldn’t dare to pursue.

Paulo’s poetic writing and gritty optimism had made this book “The Alchemist” one of the largest sold novels in the recent history. The mystique and simplicity goes hand-in-hand. God made everything simple, so simple that even a grain of sand can reveal the entire history of the world; but men have a mania to complicate everything; and they endeavor voraciously in evolving an “enigma” out of everything. But at the heart, life remains simple. This is the message of the author.

The story of the treasure-hunt passes through the labyrinth of destiny and omens that helped Santiago, the lead character, tracing out the laid path. He had a dream. A dream that told him about his treasure buried faraway in the pyramids beyond the impassable desert of Africa. He believed and ventured for daring risks. It’s not in the destination that your treasure lies, it is laid all along in the path that your heart longs to follow. So follow you heart; because it is always right; because it suffers; and because it cares; because it has come from the soul of the universe and it is exactly where it will go back.

“Everything has been written on the soul of the world by the same hands” says the Alchemist revealing all secrets in a single line. Alchemist is a person who understands the nature and its language. He is the one who has found the pristine core that runs life into every creation of the universe. The external form may differ, but at the core every thing is same – the elixir of life which cures all the evil. So if, you have found something that is pure, not like an impulse of volcano, you have found your treasure.

Every journey that takes a man to his destiny and fills him with enough courage to renounce everything he possess is a part of the future that he lives in present. And the future is his dream. “When you desire something, the whole universe conspires in helping you achieve that.” says the alchemist. Because, what you dream today would later become a part of your future, a part of your destiny. So, a traveler of dream has not to worry for the path but preserve to meet the target for the path would be laid and revealed through the conspiracy.

What if you realize your dream? What next would you do? The author explains the enigmatic and oracular fear of dreamlessness, too, that keeps men from chasing their belief. He says that we and everything else are subject to evolution, striving for betterment and perfection. Hence, if you heed your heart and the omens you would evolve; and by evolving yourself you would help the universe to evolve for you are a part of it and it is a part of you too.

Sometimes, on the way, you see the vision that pushes you further. And sometimes, you want to settle down and accept things as they come not due to lack in courage but for the feeling of contentment. And this happens when you fear losing something precious, something pure like the soul of the world. Santiago met Fatima, a woman of desert, and fell in love. Love here was a direct nexus between them revealing through their eyes, “because eyes show your soul” and because the whole universe had conspired in their meeting. He felt an immediate urge to stop the hunt and settle down to lead a happy life. The alchemist, then, took the command and explained the monotony of the possible life, a frustration after the denial of “principle of favorability” and persuaded him to have faith in what he had found. Moreover, everything is written on the soul of the world and it will remain there for ever and ever. And love never stopped a man to pursue his destiny. Neither did Fatima.

This is a brilliant novel talking about simple things of life that people have forgotten like, love, traditions, god, and omen and above all dreams. It has a great inspirational power to live the moment, the present and the path abetting you become daring enough to risk for a belief. “And, if a person is living out his destiny, he knows everything he needs to know, there is only one thing that makes it impossible to achieve: the fear of failure” says the Alchemist.


Read a similar story at:

Written by Animesh

June 20, 2005 at 12:03 am

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I Waited…

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I waited and
waited for you.

But nothing could show me luck.
I looked at stones and people
and earth and fire
and you…
But nothing could offer me a clue.

The sun was blue
just like you…
The air was stew
just like you…
Hitherto hopes fled away
and I sat pensive
pining for you.

No beckon,
No wave though
came to rescue…
But I waited
and waited patiently
for you…

Past echoed
and the future
refrained to glue.

But I waited
and waited patiently
For you…

The longing drowned soon
and I knew
the real true
that you are gone
that I am…
…left alone

But, together with this truth
there goes something more
in queue.
That once
I had waited and
waited patiently
for you.

Written by Animesh

June 9, 2005 at 11:59 pm

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